Sunday, April 26, 2009

Book Goes Global

Dear Reader:
I haven't kept up posting updates to my blog but there is indeed a lot to report.
1) I lecture frequently throughout South Florida. Upcoming meetings include presentations for the "March of the Living" program. Next scheduled on May 5th 2009 and May 14th 2009 and at Na'amat Boynton Beach,FL May 7th .
2) The leading Israeli Newspaper Yediot Ahronot published a 4-page article on April 17th which reached millions of households in Israel.
3) Galei Zahal, the Israeli Defense Forces radio station,interviewed me on April 25th and broadcasted the interview on April 20th.
4) A leader Israeli publisher agreed to publish the book "A German Life" in Hebrew. More details to follow.
5) You can follow my activities on Twitter at agermanlife.

Bernd Wollschlaeger,MD